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Friday, June 27, 2025 at 7:30 PM EDT

× 7:30pm


Led Zeppelin redefined rock in the Seventies and for all time. Then and now, Led Zeppelin looms larger than life on the rock landscape as a band for the ages with an almost mystical power to evoke primal passions. Now, imagine being transported back forty years to that golden age. For ZED, it's much more than simply being a tribute. It's faithfully recreating the sound of Led Zeppelin's studio albums to an astonishing level of accuracy while also capturing the magical aura of the Led Zeppelin live experience. ZED are proud recipients of: -Jack Richardson Music Award (2015 - Fan Favourite Tribute) -London Music Award (2015 - Tribute Group of the Year) -Forest City London Music Award (2019 - Tribute Artist)


Roxy Theatre
251 9th St East
Owen Sound Ontario N4K 1N8

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